The telecommunications sector makes a permanent effort to improve and clarify the communication with its customers, whether individuals, self-employed or small and medium companies. From the new business, to the onboarding, billing and management of casualties, the use of personalized video is one of the keys to be more transparent, didactic and clear.
Boost your Sales
Create personalized video offers for your clients, qualify your leads, create traffic for your points of sale, advise your clients with personalization and interaction in real time.
Multiply the results of your growth campaigns by 3x done with traditional channels and messages using personalized and interactive video.
Cost Savings
Explain to each client the details of their contract, how to access and use the services, how to manage consumption.
Explain each invoice in detail and save on management costs and improve customer ratings..
Get closer to your customers
Personalized video is an alternative communication channel that allows you to establish conversations, enhance interactivity or collect customer opinions.
It is a connection channel with Contact Center, real-time surveys, Live Chat or Chat boots.
It is a personalized, automated, and scalable way to stay in touch with different customer segments.
Explanation of personalized invoice.
In the Welcome program for new customers, this company sends an explanatory video of the first invoice, to improve its understanding and avoid calls to the contact center.
The video includes the assessment and NPS questions.
Presentation to a specific customer segment of the new Apple, with a personalized offer to facilitate the change of mobile phone. High impact on sales conversion.
Example of a personalized upgrade offer.
Based on the customer's data, the video suggests a proposal to improve the contracted service plan, and directs the customer to their nearest store.
I'm interested in seeing a demo
A video is worth more than a million words.
If you want to see YOUR personalised video, click here and ask for a demo